Testimony of faith in the Son of God



Testimony of faith


Knowing God through the study of His Son and evangelistic action for children, youth and adults will improve relations between believers in the Church. This communion between people is ultimately lead to ensure that every baptized person was prepared to accept greater responsibility for its evangelical shape and actively participated in the apostolic mission . The attitude is the attitude of the apostolic witness of faith opened in a ratio to the world , committed to him by the formation of a ¬ ing to human welfare . It is a testimony of faith that every Christian should give in the family, workplace, social engagement , as well as in moments of relaxation . If a man allows God to work in your life , He will change its quality , in such a way that have meaning and proper purpose. According to Pope Francis : " The love of God revealed in Jesus , faith sees the foundation on which rests the reality and its final destiny" ( Lumen fidei , 17).


Jan Paweł II, List apostolski „Mane nobiscum domine”,nr 26.

Kongregacja Nauki Wiary, Nota zawierająca wskazania duszpasterskie na Rok Wiary, Wprowadze-nie, Rzym, 6 stycznia 2012 r.

Wierzę w Syna Bożego przez Chrystusa, z Chrystusem, w Chrystusie. Przez wiarę i chrzest do świadectwa. Program duszpasterski Kościoła w Polsce na lata 2013-2017, Poznań 2013.



How to Cite

Łabendowicz, Stanisław. 2013. “Testimony of Faith in the Son of God”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 52 (4):58-64. https://www.zfk.katecheza.radom.pl/index.php/zfk/article/view/398.



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