The formation of religion teachers adapted to modern times



modern times


The formation of religion teachers is the process leading to the development of a mature and creative personality of a teacher, who is capable of assisting his pupils and engaging them in a dialogue during catechesis. Complex conditions of modern life, marked by rapid changes and the richness of God's Message, require a thorough formation of religion teachers. The need for the formation adapted to modern times stems also from the mission to teach in today's world and support man to develop his faith and adopt the right perspectives on life. A sense of belonging to and taking responsibility for the Church should be awoken in teachers. Catechetical formation should relate to the mission of the Church in the modern world and take into account current pastoral conditions. The basic dimensions of the formation of religion teachers are as follows: human  and Christian, doctrinal-theological, psychologicalpedagogical, didactic-methodological and practical. These dimensions ensure an integral formation of religion teachers in Christocentric, liturgical and diaconal aspects.


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How to Cite

Łabendowicz, Stanisław. 2015. “The Formation of Religion Teachers Adapted to Modern Times”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 60 (4):47-56.

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