Methods aimed at dialogue





During the catechesis man has come in contact with God. Should discover his presence, his performance in themselves and other participants in the catechism. Together with the other is to study his message, enough of His truth, to allow His light to penetrate. So in the spirit of the right teaching catechesis can not be a monologue. The proper way to dialogue is a transcript of catechesis. Catechist catechized can not be treated as if "from above", make them passive listeners. You should look for such methods of work that would lead to the conversation, the mutual sharing of faith, which uczyłyby ask questions growing out of life and has established a joint search for the answers. Such methods may include methods: problems, discussions and lectures. Teaching methods, including in the dialogue, contribute to the activation of the catechetical group, stimulate thinking, drawing conclusions, which contributes to better assimilate the truths of faith and pursue their life


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How to Cite

Łabendowicz, Stanisław. 2012. “Methods Aimed at Dialogue”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 45 (1):86-90.



Didactic and methodical formation

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