Youth,Church and Fatherland


  • Marek Dziewiecki


Youth,Church, fatherland


There is a close link between the individual and the situation of the community of believers , the Church, and the situation of the Fatherland and the Nation. The best we realize that if the Church is openly persecuted or when the Fatherland something is dramatically wrong, for example when it loses its independence and its citizens does not create the conditions that allow life in freedom and safety. Up to now accept the consequences are painful wrongs suffered the Catholic Church under occupatio, as well as during the Second World War, and as a result of communist persecution. To date, also experiencing the effects of the fact that our country in the last two years was destroyed and raked by the invaders and occupiers. The future of the young generation to a large extent depends on how we as adults help them to love the Church and Fatherland and feel in these two communities, and at home. Educating young people to love the Church we must rely on the love and wisdom, which teaches us to Jesus Christ. The education for love of country, we must build on the basis of the modern patriotism, the awareness of the need to know the history and traditions of his own people, concern for personal development and a solid education, care of marriage and the family, having notched a solid professional and smart social and political engagement. The more we, the educators, fruitfully take on the task, the more we can be confident not only about the fate of the children and young people, but also of our own destiny.


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How to Cite

Dziewiecki, Marek. 2013. “Youth,Church and Fatherland”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 50 (2):25-38.



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