Essence of love between man and woman in the light of metaphysical analysis based on the dissertation of Karol Wojtyla " Love and Responsibility"


  • Dariusz Adamczyk The Pedagogical University of Cracow


love, woman, man


In the light of metaphysical analysis of the nature of love between a man and a woman K. Wojtyla tries to grasp what belongs to the essence of its individual aspects. The nature of love in the subject indywidulnym should delight desire (lust), and kindness. Love lust and love kindness are different but not mutually exclusive. Love its fullness is not only in the subject indywidulnym, but also in relation międzypodmiotowej, interpersonal. In this perspective, the problem is also taken in connection with friendly sympathy, and the issue of reciprocity. For love because it is important to recovering from your "I" and the transition from "me" to "we." Love, in fact between a man and a woman is not only a desire , but also the meeting and uniting people, which is made on the basis of taste, desire, love and kindness. So, in this respect, interpersonal continues to place the aspect of an individual 's love that determines the interpersonal relationship. In this perspective, love is always some kind of interpersonal fusion and synchronization preferences, desires and kindness of two people. Therefore love between man and woman is a wonderful, God -given ability. It has its steps and stages, each of which plays a crucial role in its development to full spousal love, which, although different from other forms of love,it can not be looked at in isolation from them. It is particularly and to bind it with kindness and friendship. A natural extension of spousal love, marriage is a reality, which is engaged in a God who is the source of love (cf. 1 Jn 4,7 n). The human desire to be fully themselves can only be done in love. Hence, the gains made an effort, in a spirit of freedom together with a loved one, obligated by law and the logic of gift and marriage go to the fullness of this love (1 John 4:8). Marriage in this perspective, is an extension of spousal love and a sense of its fulfillment.


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How to Cite

Adamczyk, Dariusz. 2013. “Essence of Love Between Man and Woman in the Light of Metaphysical Analysis Based on the Dissertation of Karol Wojtyla ‘ Love and Responsibility’”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 50 (2):59-70.



Psychological and pedagogical formation

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