We will persevere you feeling you ... " . Lyrical re-presentation of the Mother of God in the poetry of Fr. Jerzy Banaśkiewicz and Fr. Janusz St. Pasierb.


  • Grzegorz Głąb The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


Mother of God, poetry


Representation of the Mother of God in the poetry of the two poets priests , Fr . George Banaśkiewicz and Fr . Janusz St . Stepson , done in a different way . Apart from the formal differences associated with the workshop befriends -MENTIONED together artists. In verses Fr. Stepson " artistic expression theological truths about the life of the Mother of God reached its original shape due to contamination with fine works of art and knowledge of theological introduced in the survival of the speaking." The work of Fr. Banaśkiewicz is based on -whereas on the experiences of the "I" lyrical, flowing from theobservation of the world, in which the mechanisms and the shape of the poet finds the real presence of the Sacrum. It should be noted, however, that in his poems -prayers of both Fr. Stepson, and Fr. Banaśkiewicz show Mary as a person living and present. The Mother of God in the poetry of both artists is the epitome of beauty, excellence, Obedience and Goodness. Immersed in a human life is seen as Comforter, Advocate and Help of Christians. It finally Mother, which indicates the Son, and to Him leads.


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How to Cite

Głąb, Grzegorz. 2013. “ Pasierb”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 52 (4):30-40. https://www.zfk.katecheza.radom.pl/index.php/zfk/article/view/395.



Human and Christian formation