Anthropological basis of prevention programs


  • Marek Dziewiecki


prevention programs


The basis for the determination of the main objectives of the prevention of addiction and to prevent any unfavorable attitudes and behavior among children and adolescents is anthropology. Only this body of knowledge about man gives educators a chance to understand the pupil in a realistic and comprehensive and to be able to promote children and young people mature in all areas of their lives. Complete and realistic vision of a man is contained in the anthropology of the Bible. The achievements of psychology and pedagogy is in turn the basis for determining the methods and strategies to carry out the purposes of prevention. Prevention is based on an integral anthropology respects the fact that recourse to psychoactive substances and sex pre-or extramarital, violence and aggression, delinquency, school failure, and other troubling behaviors are interrelated phenomena, and that the only fighting each of them, can effectively prevent the occurrence the other.


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How to Cite

Dziewiecki, Marek. 2010. “Anthropological Basis of Prevention Programs”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 39 (3):43-52.



Psychological and pedagogical formation

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