Religious themes as components of the negative reality. Profanation or overinterpretation? The study of selected pieces of contemporary literature


  • Grzegorz Głąb The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
  • Krzysztof Napora


Religious themes, Profanation, overinterpretation


In Stasiuk’s Mury Hebronu (The Walls of Hebron) and Nurowska’s Drzwi do piekła (The Doors to Hell) novels, religious themes, such as hell, purgatory, condemnation, biblical motives of walls of Hebron, become components of the negative reality – the world of isolation along with an accursed, broken and defected space. Parallelly, they are treated by their authors solely as components of a broadly defined culture and as a result of that they are detached from their fundamental meaning. From this point of view, accordingly to Stasiuk and Nurowska, all motifs become only intended foundations of metaphysics. The mental strategy, adapted by the writers, enables them to create an original and highly different in relation to existing in the ground of theology concepts of inferno.


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How to Cite

Głąb, Grzegorz, and Krzysztof Napora. 2014. “Religious Themes As Components of the Negative Reality. Profanation or Overinterpretation? The Study of Selected Pieces of Contemporary Literature”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 56 (4):10-25.



Human and Christian formation