What kind of family teaches sobriety?



family, alcohol, addictions, prevention


Family is the most important social community, based on marital and parental love. Sobriety in the family means that adults do not abuse alcohol, while children and adolescents do not drink alcoholic beverages, i.e. they keep abstinence until at least the age of eighteen. The attitude towards alcohol depends primarily on one’s entire existential situation. Alcohol becomes extremely attractive for those who are not able to cope with their everyday tasks. Alcohol abuse by adults and the use of alcohol by minors lead to addiction. An addicted man lives in a world of illusions and denials. He does not respond to the love and suffering of his loved ones. He remains sensitive only to his own suffering. This is why a spouse or parents of an addicted person should respond to them with tough love. On the other hand, the upbringing of a young generation in abstinence is based mainly on building positive relationships with God, parents and themselves, as well as respect for moral standards that protect against risky behaviors.


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How to Cite

Dziewiecki, Marek. 2018. “What Kind of Family Teaches Sobriety?”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 69 (1):55-67. https://www.zfk.katecheza.radom.pl/index.php/zfk/article/view/118.



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