Art paintings in the patriotic education of youth during religious instruction



patriotism, youth, religious instruction, art paintings esthetic education


The paper's aim is to present the subject of making use of paintings of a historical and patriotic nature during religious instruction. Religious instruction is here clearly linked to esthetic and patriotic education. Present-day youth, so strongly attached to the civilization of the image, needs to be referred to national tradition. In the paper, by way of example, it is suggested how four masterpieces - works of art of the Polish artists: Jan Matejko, Stanisław Wyspiański and Jacek Malczewski, may be used for the purpose. Paintings may serve as an important and inspiring aid during religious instruction, for the treatment of subjects connected with the discovery and creation of one's identity, especially in reference to the homeland, its history and values.


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How to Cite

Szubartowska, Alicja, Maria Wagner, and Radosław Chałupniak. 2019. “Art Paintings in the Patriotic Education of Youth During Religious Instruction”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 73 (1):95-104.