Patriotic upbringing in catechesis as a natural duty of the Church



upbringing, patriotism, catechesis, the Church


In Polish tradition, patriotic upbringing has always been linked to religious formation. The Catholic Church has continually defended Polish patriotic attitudes, especially in times of oppression or captivity. As a result of contemporary changes in civilization and geopolitics, there occurs an increase of migration and an integration of nations. The process of globalization and europeanisation influences thus and changes attitudes regarding the idea of the fatherland, patriotism and of being Polish. In this context, the problem presents itself, whether the Church should continue to be engaged in the patriotic upbringing of Poles and whether the Pole-Catholic stereotype should still be accepted? Reasons for maintaining that it is the Church's mission to engage in patriotic upbringing issue from Polish historical experience, from sociological research (nearly 70% of Poles are of the opinion that the religious upbringing of children is an expression of patriotism) and from purely theological motivation. In the light of the last reason, patriotism cannot be an absolute value as this leads to nationalism, and even fascism. If God and divinely instituted law are the highest values of a nation, then a patriotism which develops in such a spirit will have a universal character. In taking upon itself patriotic upbringing, the Church ought to take into account the challenge of the present times, in order that it might be able to serve the formation of people aware of their national and spiritual roots, living their patriotism in a creative and conscious manner, and open in addition to co-operation and co-existence with representatives of other nations living in our "global village".


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How to Cite

Bednarczyk, Rafał. 2019. “Patriotic Upbringing in Catechesis As a Natural Duty of the Church”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 73 (1):27-36.