Scripture in catechesis



Scripture, catechesis


The confrontation of catechesis is made of human existence in light of the Word of God, which sheds light on human problems. Scripture consistently communicate the word of God, that participates in historical unity and uniqueness of the revelation. Catechist by the ministry of the word, drawing on the Bible, dating back to the sources of faith. In it reads the meaning of modern human existence. Knowing the rules of the catechist theological and literary interpretation of Scripture keeps him against relativism and subjectivism. At the same time allows you to familiarize students with the full word of God contained in Scripture. The catechist must know the Bible well, the rules of interpretation, and man (catechized), and its problems.


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How to Cite

Łabendowicz, Stanisław. 2011. “Scripture in Catechesis”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 42 (2):43-54.



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