The Eucharist – participation in the liturgy



Eucharist, liturgy, Body and Blood, the saving work of Christ


During the Last Supper Christ changed bread into His Body and wine into His Blood. Today the same is achieved during every Holy Mass. The Eucharist, otherwise the Body and Blood of the Saviour, constitutes the core and centre of the whole of Christian life. It is both its source and summit. That is why the Church, in carrying out the liturgy places it in the first place. Participation in the Eucharist incorporates those participating into the saving work of Christ and joins then to God and with each other (cf. EE 11). During Holy Mass man’s sanctification is achieved and glory is given to the Creator (cf. SC 7, 10). By the words: “Behold the great mystery of faith” the Church professes its faith in the real presence of the Risen Son of God - Jesus Christ under the species of bread and wine, which by the power of the Holy Spirit become the true Body and true Blood of the Saviour.


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How to Cite

Łabendowicz, Stanisław. 2021. “The Eucharist – Participation in the Liturgy”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 82 (2):29-39.

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