Pre-marital catechisation as a direct preparation for the sacrament of marriage


  • Marcin Falkowski The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


direct preparation, pre-marital catechisation, nupturients formation


Service for marriage and family is one of the most important tasks of the Church. This concern is expressed in providing the faithful with the proper preparation for marriage. In accordance with the pastoral doctrine, this preparation takes place in three stages: long-term, short-term and direct (pre-marital catechisation). This article deals with direct preparation, which starts with the moment of the meeting of the nupturients and a priest in a parish office and ends with the conclusion of the sacrament of marriage. It aims to prepare nupturients for a conscious marriage vow, a fruitful experience of the liturgy of the sacrament of marriage and for family life. This goal can be achieved by deepening their spiritual formation and appropriate catechesis, covering the following issues: mature personality, marriage attributes, sacramentality of marriage and marriage tasks. This preparation should take place in the bride’s or bridegroom’s parish. The responsibility for its implementation lies with the parish priest, even if he delegates this activity to a vicar.


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How to Cite

Falkowski, Marcin. 2018. “Pre-Marital Catechisation As a Direct Preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 71 (3):97-106.