The still valid message of St. Stanisław Kostka – the patron of children and youth



St. Stanisław Kostka, patron, children, youth


The year 2018 is celebrated in the Church as the Year of Saint Stanisław Kostka. The 450th anniversary of his death is an opportunity to reflect on the attitude of this young Pole who, against all adversities, performed God's will in his life. As a patron of children and youth, he teaches that one can always live beautifully. Every moment in life should be lived in friendship with God, while the path to sanctity, to which we are called, involves persistent work on our character, frequent encounters with Christ in sacraments, love of God and neighbour, and a bold struggle with various temptations. Therefore, discussing the validity of the message of Saint Stanisław Kostka, we need to realise the importance of the process of raising up a young person. It takes place mainly in the family, but also in the school and the Church. In the process of upbringing, the values through which man shapes himself and indirectly influences other people are important. Living in the 21st century, it is impossible to repeat exactly the deeds of Saint Stanisław Kostka. However, we can foster the same values in children and youth that were cherished by him. These are universal values that serve the good of a particular person and society. Therefore, in the upbringing and education of young people, courage, conscientiousness and perseverance should be taught. It is necessary to teach maturity and determination so that young people can, like Saint Stanisław, seriously treat their faith and piety.


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How to Cite

Łabendowicz, Stanisław. 2018. “The Still Valid Message of St. Stanisław Kostka – the Patron of Children and Youth”. The Journals of Catechetical Formation 71 (3):53-63.

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